Yngvesson, Dag


Dag Yngvesson is a filmmaker and Assistant Professor of cinema and cultural studies at the University of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus. Using extensive archival and ethnographic research on globalization and political mass media in Indonesia, his forthcoming book challenges basic scholarly assumptions about the role of Hollywood and US imperialism in the development of non-Western cinemas. Current film projects include collaborative film/ethnographies on the politics of peace in Aceh, Indonesia and on the experience of migration and labor in a large migrant community in South Philadelphia. He is also finishing post-production on the experimental narrative feature Banyak Ayam, Banyak Rejeki (Many Chickens, Lots of Luck), co-directed and produced with Indonesian filmmaker Koes Yuliadi. Dag has published scholarly articles in Jumpcut, Indonesia and the Malay WorldPlaridel Journal of Communication, Media, and Society, and others. (corresponding author: Dag.Yngvesson@nottingham.edu.my)